docker | How to dockerize a simple php application
Hello everybody, welcome to this new article. This article will help to dockerise a simple “hello world” php application. I...
Node.js | A function to interact with AWS OpenSearch Serverless
Hello to my dear friends. Welcome to this wonderful day and I hope you are all enjoying your programming days....
Postgresql | Understanding the JSON Data Type
PostgreSQL, one of the most advanced open-source relational database systems, offers rich support for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data types....
Git | Command Cheatsheet
Hello Guys, welcome to the blog post. This post has some and almost all the git commands that are useful...
JavaScript | Understanding Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
JavaScript | Understanding Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
mac | Install NVM with different versions of node
Install NVM on to mac Open up a new Terminal and run the following to install nvm: First, you can get...
Javascript | Using object shorthand when debugging
Hello All, I just found this on Internet and thought it would be nice and useful to all programmers. It...
Python | A class to interact with AWS S3 with boto3
Hello All Python programmers welcome to the world of Python AWS and Boto3. I was working with Python and aws...
Javascript | Callbacks, Promises and Async/Await
Hello Javascript programmers, welcome to the world of javascript async and await concept This article is for all those who...
postgresql | Reset the Identity value after an on conflict
In PostgreSQL, the ON CONFLICT clause is used in conjunction with the INSERT statement to handle conflicts that may arise when inserting data into...
Mysql | “Show Create Table” command
Just wanted to share an easy way to get the create table syntax of any table using a query. Mysql...
Javascript | Function | Translate Seconds into days, hours, minutes and seconds
Hello there! Have you ever found yourself needing to translate seconds into a more human-readable format that includes days, hours,...