aws | node.js | S3 file download
Hope all are fine. This article is for writing a node script to download a file from s3 bucket.
Package needed
npm install aws-sdk
Package usage
const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
Code Example
const filename = "test.pdf"
const params = {
Bucket: "mybucket",
Key: `${filename}`,
// Retrieve the PDF file from S3
s3.getObject(params, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
return res.status(500).send('Error retrieving file from S3')
// // Set the appropriate headers for the response
res.setHeader('Content-disposition', `attachment; filename=${filename}`)
res.setHeader('Content-type', 'application/pdf')
// Send the file content as the response
Hope its very simple and useful.
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