Git | Command Cheatsheet
Hello Guys, welcome to the blog post.
This post has some and almost all the git commands that are useful when working with git source control systems. Each command has its on description just below the command. I don’t remember all the commands but i use this list to take help.
Hope wit will be useful for others.
git clone [url]
# Clones a repository into a new directory.
git config --global "[name]"
# Sets the name for the global Git configuration.
git config --global "[email]"
# Sets the email for the global Git configuration.
git status
# Shows the working tree status.
git add [file]
# Adds a file to the staging area.
git add .
# Adds all files to the staging area.
git commit -m "[message]"
# Commits the staged changes with a message.
git commit -a
# Commits all changes in tracked files.
git diff
# Shows changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc.
git diff --staged
# Shows changes between the staging area and the last commit.
git reset [file]
# Unstages a file while retaining the changes in the working directory.
git reset --hard
# Resets the working directory and staging area to the last commit.
git reset --soft [commit]
# Resets the staging area to the specified commit.
git log
# Shows the commit logs.
git log --oneline
# Shows the commit logs in one line per commit.
git log --graph
# Shows a graphical representation of the commit history.
git log -p
# Shows the patch (differences) introduced in each commit.
git branch
# Lists all branches in the repository.
git branch [branch-name]
# Creates a new branch.
git checkout [branch-name]
# Switches to the specified branch.
git checkout -b [branch-name]
# Creates and switches to a new branch.
git merge [branch-name]
Merges the specified branch into the current branch.
git branch -d [branch-name]
# Deletes the specified branch.
git branch -D [branch-name]
# Forcefully deletes the specified branch.
git stash
# Stashes the changes in a dirty working directory.
git stash list
# Lists all stashes.
git stash apply
# Applies the changes from a stash.
git stash drop
# Deletes a stash from the list of stashes.
git remote add [alias] [url]
# Adds a new remote repository.
git remote -v
Lists all remote repositories.
git fetch [alias]
# Fetches changes from the remote repository.
git pull [alias] [branch]
# Pulls changes from the remote repository and merges them into the current branch.
git push [alias] [branch]
# Pushes changes to the remote repository.
git tag [tag-name]
# Creates a new tag.
git tag -d [tag-name]
# Deletes the specified tag.
git show [tag-name]
# Shows details about the specified tag.
git rebase [branch]
# Reapplies commits on top of another base tip.
git cherry-pick [commit]
# Applies the changes from the specified commit.
git rm [file]
# Removes a file from the working directory and the staging area.
git mv [old-filename] [new-filename]
# Renames a file and stages the change.
git bisect start
# Starts the bisecting process to find a commit that introduced a bug.
git bisect bad
# Marks the current commit as bad during the bisecting process.
git bisect good [commit]
# Marks the specified commit as good during the bisecting process.
git blame [file]
# Shows what revision and author last modified each line of a file.
git archive --format=zip --output=[] [commit]
# Creates an archive of the repository at the specified commit.
git cherry [upstream] [branch]
# Lists commits not merged upstream.
git clean -fd
# Removes untracked files and directories from the working directory.
git reflog
# Shows the reference logs of changes to the tips of branches.
git show [commit]
# Shows various types of objects.
git describe --tags
# Describes a commit using the most recent tag reachable from it.
git shortlog
# Summarizes git log output.
git gc
# Runs a garbage collection on the repository.
git fsck
# Verifies the integrity of the repository.
git remote rename [old-name] [new-name]
# Renames a remote repository.
git remote remove [name]
# Removes a remote repository.
git tag -a [tag-name] -m "[message]"
# Creates an annotated tag.
git notes
# Adds or inspects object notes.
git submodule add [url] [path]
# Adds a new submodule.
git submodule init
# Initializes submodules in the repository.
git submodule update
# Updates all submodules to the latest commit.
git revert [commit]
# Reverts changes from a specific commit.
git config --global alias.[alias-name] [command]
# Creates an alias for a Git command.
git archive [branch] --format=zip --output=[]
# Creates an archive of the branch as a zip file.
git commit --amend
# Amends the most recent commit.
git pull --rebase
# Pulls changes from the remote repository and applies them on top of local commits.
git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s"
# Formats the log output.
git diff --name-only
# Shows only the names of changed files.
git diff --cached
# Shows changes between the index and the last commit.
git grep [text]
# Searches for text in the repository.
git whatchanged
# Shows logs with file status.
git instaweb
# Instantly browses the working repository in gitweb.
git format-patch [start-commit]
# Creates patch files starting from the specified commit.
git apply [patch-file]
# Applies a patch file to the repository.
git bundle create [file] [branch]
# Bundles a branch into a single file.
git bundle verify [file]
# Verifies the bundle file.
git bundle list-heads [file]
# Lists references in a bundle file.
git bundle unbundle [file]
# Unbundles a file into the repository.
git rerere
# Reuses recorded resolution of conflicted merges.
git prune
# Removes unreachable objects from the repository.
git filter-branch --tree-filter [command] [branch]
# Filters the branch history using a command.
git checkout --orphan [branch-name]
# Creates a new orphan branch.
git svn
# Interacts with Subversion repositories.
git blame -C
# Shows changes that were copied from another file.
git blame -L [start,end] [file]
# Blames a range of lines in a file.
git blame --reverse
# Finds the revision that modified each line in a file.
Hope its useful. Happing Gitting 🙂